5-MeO-DMT Pulbere
€43.75 – €520.00
5-MeO-DMT este structural legat de DMT și 5-HO-DMT (bufotenină) și este considerat unul dintre cele mai puternice psihedelice.
5-MeO-DMT, cunoscut și sub numele de 5-Metoxi-N, N-dimetiltriptamina este un psihedelic natural din clasa triptamină, 5-MeO-DMT prezintă asemănări structurale cu N, N-Dimetiltriptamină (DMT), totuși studiile au arătat caracteristici chimice care pot semăna cu o potență mai mare decât compusul mai cunoscut. Este distribuit într-o mare varietate de specii de plante și în veninul câtorva agenți patogeni psihoactivi, cum ar fi Bufo Alvaris.
5-MeO-DMT poate fi găsit în veninul alb lăptos al broaștei râului Colorado. Șamanii sud-americani au folosit otravă de broască de mii de ani. Astăzi, sunt studiate atât extractele de otravă de broască, cât și forma de pulbere sintetică. Sinteza și rezultatele sale au fost documentate pentru prima dată în cartea lui Alexander Shulgin din 1997 TiHKAL („Triptamine pe care le-am cunoscut și iubit”). Studii recente au arătat că poate oferi rezultate mistice în timpul cercetării și a crescut în popularitate în ultimii ani.
Cum se utilizează 5-MeO-DMT?
La Realchems puteți cumpăra 5-MeO-DMT în formă de bază liberă și clorhidrat de cea mai înaltă calitate. Avem 5-MeO-DMT disponibil în cantități de 0,25gr, 0,5gr, 1gr, 2gr, 5gr și 10gr. Asigurați-vă că depozitați 5-MeO-DMT într-un loc uscat și răcoros pentru o durată maximă de conservare. Atunci când manipulați substanțele chimice de cercetare, asigurați-vă că luați întotdeauna măsurile de precauție adecvate în laborator, cum ar fi ștergerea suprafețelor și purtarea mănușilor, a unei măști și a îmbrăcămintei de protecție. Vă recomandăm precauție suplimentară cu 5-MeO-DMT datorită potenței sale ridicate.
Definiție 5-MeO-DMT
Definiția 5-MeO-DMT este oficial cunoscută sub numele de 5-Methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine. 5-MeO-DMT este Un psihedelic natural, dar foarte puternic, din clasa triptaminelor. Este chiar considerat cel mai puternic psihedelic din istoria chimică a cercetării.
Informații generale despre chimie 5-MeO-DMT
Cercetările indică faptul că 5-MeO-DMT produce rezultatele sale prin legarea la receptorii serotoninei, deși mecanismul exact este necunoscut. 5-metoxi-N,N-dimetiltriptamină este un inel substituit inel alcaloid triptamină. și împarte un miez al unui heterociclu indolic bicilic atașat la R3 la o grupare terminală amină printr-un lanț lateral etilic. Se presupune că 5-MeO-DMT este foarte puternic. Cercetările indică faptul că această substanță este probabil să producă rezultate mari și dramatice în acel laborator. Prin urmare, Este foarte recomandat să se utilizeze practici de reducere a riscurilor atunci când se efectuează cercetări asupra acestei substanțe.
De unde să cumpărați 5-MeO-DMT
5-MeO-DMT poate fi achiziționat aici pe
site-ul web. Vindem 5-MeO-DMT de calitate premium, de obicei sub formă de pulbere. Cu toate acestea, avem adesea alte forme de substanță disponibile, așa că nu ezitați să ne contactați pentru a vedea dacă avem în stoc forma de substanță preferată. Trebuie să aveți cel puțin 18 ani pentru a cumpăra 5-MeO-DMT de la noi.
More information
We ship Monday to Friday, same day dispatch if ordered and payment is received before 12.30 pm Central European Time. Your products are shipped from our central warehouse in The Netherlands.
Our products are shipped in a strong and regular looking envelope. There are no references to chemicals or Realchems on the outer packaging at all. It looks like any other enveloppe. In the outer envelope you will find a sealed Mylar foil bags to protect the research chemicals until use.
As a customer please check the legality of this chemical in your country before ordering. We are not responsible for any kind of consequences that are a result of purchasing one of our chemical research products.
Most of our products are available wholesale. Please contact us for more information.We endeavor to answer Wholesale inquiries within 24hr hours (Mon-Fri).
Reviews (34)
34 reviews for 5-MeO-DMT Pulbere
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Reno (verified owner) –
Received within a week.
Extremely potent.
I am VERY experienced with the research of nnDMT, but never tried 5 MEO before. Began with 3mg, and astonished by it’s potency. Please start with 3mg, it is seriously potent.
Customer service is excellent, product is excellent.
Reno –
Fast shipping, 5/5 quality.
3mg is potent.
Markus (verified owner) –
Extremely fast delivery (EU). Quality seems to be top.
Mili (verified owner) –
25mg = final unity!!!!!
Customer service is excellent, product is DIVINE.
Jan –
Tests showed promising results. Very potent, please use a decent mg scale when measuring. Extrapoints for the amazing customer support!
Pennywide –
The customer service was brilliant, and the product amazed me.
Peace my loves x
Charlie (verified owner) –
Ordered a gram of 5meo, and so far its the best quality
Clayton (verified owner) –
Don’t underestimate this RC, it is very potent.
Fantastic product. Please try if you already have lots of experience with tryptamines or N-N, DMT!
mel –
t want some
mel –
I want some…..where may i get this
Loh –
I would love todo it again
Ketapferd –
Against all the good Reviews..
First try was 7mg
Second was 12mg
Third was 30mg
Respective there where no difference between 12mg or 30mg. Im not Sure that the substance is Clean or really 5 meo dmt. All in one i expected more for a very potent … at least a good Seller and fast delivery. Would buy again, but Not the 5meo dmt.
Bruno (verified owner) –
Product arrived within 4 days in Europe, so definitely no complaints there.
The product is excellent, extremely potent.
Omaewa –
Amazing stuff
Alex –
My report a consistent effect known on this substance. 😉
Alex –
Very potent substance which appears to cause the effect, more often than certain other compounds in my mice.
Gng –
Dd –
Foreskin –
I left to space very good I recommend taking it all at once to have the same experience as me
Javier (verified owner) –
To say that this is Life-changing stuff is to fall short!
Berni (verified owner) –
Gran gracias a ustedes,
El producto esta muy bueno y la asistencia perfecta.
Había tenido un problema con el pagado con tarjeta.
He contactado el atención cliente y he podido hacer el pagamiento con transferencia.
The_researcher –
I’ve order 2 times and both times I had very quick delivery (eastern Europe) and the quality is the top.
Always start small (3mg go high 6 then 10 max 15) and always test the substance (I’ve used Ehrlich and Hofmann Tests)
Andrew (verified owner) –
I ordered a few times and tested with Hoffman and Ehrlich tests, passed the tests every time, used a pro micro scale (highly recommended it) very potent and high quality every time.
Will LE –
Customer service: good, fast.
International delivery: reasonable in this covid-19 time (1 month), though the tracking info on Post NL is late (7-8 days behind).
The product has good quality.
X (verified owner) –
Received my order first 20 days after purchase as expected tested the quality using high lab equipment and I can tell you it’s pretty pure. Although with my second order I payed 23~$ for fast air shipping and my order was sent by ground and took almost 25 days to arrive tried contacting the shipping company to no avail and then I contacted the seller to no avail either. Anyways experience wasn’t that bad overall 100% would recommend them without a doubt!
P.S. I would love to see if they could figure their shipping times so we can get faster shipping throughout the EU! <3
The X (verified owner) –
Received my order first 20 days after purchase as expected tested the quality using high lab equipment and I can tell you it’s pretty pure. Although with my second order I payed 23~$ for fast air shipping and my order was sent by ground and took almost 25 days to arrive tried contacting the shipping company to no avail and then I contacted the seller to no avail either. Anyways experience wasn’t that bad overall 100% would recommend them without a doubt!
P.S. I would love to see if they could figure their shipping times so we can get faster shipping throughout the EU! <3
adamgcnk –
Omg, really potent guys be carefull when researching
Jess –
Juiles –
Great product, fast shipping, great customer service
M (verified owner) –
Yes. It’s the real thing.
I’ve been researching the component and it is up to the expectations. Deep research needs to be done for the methodology of use if you want optimum results.
M (verified owner) –
I am very grateful for Realchems having this product accessible for research. Very fine quality. I suggest always buying with tracked order.
Always research with a good scale.
Veki –
The thing is pure , and so strong. First time 6-7 mg and was intense. Cannot explain with a words. Must see. The best thing on this planet. Recomend to all. The shipment delivery is 2 weeks to Balkan.
slepicka.lukas (verified owner) –
Petr –
I bow down and applaud the enormous power 👏👏👏👏 thank you top quality 👌👌👌